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Harm No. 13 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Induced Instability

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Column WIP limits… … bring about system instability. This induced instability effectively disrupts the applicability of Little’s Law. It is ironic that limiting work in process is justified by the need of getting to a stable state...

Harm No. 10 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Directionless Change

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Column WIP limits… … render direction-less the evolutionary change approach enabled by Kanban. In other words, they render extremely ineffective one of Kanban’s strongest features. Strive to keep an evolutionary change approach wh...

Harm No. 9 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: They Hinder Flow

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Column WIP limits… … hinder and disrupt true flow. The team is constantly interrupted and has to engage in local fire-fights, with whatever column-of-the-day breaks its WIP limit. Fire fighting is not sustainable; especially if th...

Harm No. 8 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Local Optimization

less than 1 minute read

Column WIP limits… … are effectively local optimizations. Instead of being concerned about how work flows through the entire system, team members working in specific columns become concerned about finding the “appropriate” WIP limit ...