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Harm No. 7 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: They are Waste

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Column WIP limits… … are a waste of effort and resources. Because only one column can be the constraint, it follows that the majority of interventions (on the other columns!) are actually wasted. “Fixing” a non-constraint is waste...

Harm No. 5 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Loss of Focus

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Column WIP limits… … divert focus away from the real constraint, and divert attention away from the throughput of the entire system. Without the right focus, there is no leverage. Quoted from: Tame the Flow.

Harm No. 3 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Excessive Trial and Error

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Column WIP limits… … promote excessive trial and error. Practitioners are recommended to “play with the column WIP limits” to find out what works. Rather than measuring the effects in terms of throughput of the whole system and decid...

Harm No. 2 of Kanban Column WIP Limits: Too Many False-Positives

less than 1 minute read

Column WIP limits… … give too many false positives of problems that are not really problems, but are “problems” that have been self-inflicted by the very act of setting the column WIP limits. Do not hurt yourself! Quoted from: T...